Mirit Agaiby, MSc, GMBPsS is a psychodynamic-trained psychotherapist and an organizational psychologist. She received her Master of Science in Psychology from the University of Liverpool. She is a graduate member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), an associate member of the American Psychological Association (APA); and, an associate member of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). She specializes in psychodynamic modalities; is a trained CBT and ACT therapist; and, has a special interest and focus in existential psychotherapy. She specializes in personality disorders, dissociative disorders and trauma, anxiety disorders, and depression. She received her psychodynamic therapy training at William Alanson White Institute in the U.S.; her CBT and ACT trainings at the Beck Institute in the U.S. She is also a trained senior professional executive coach. Through experience with mixing modalities, Agaiby tends to use several techniques from cognitive therapies to guide clients while focusing on subconscious fears, tendencies, and dreams and the patterns developed throughout their lifespan as a result. She tends to dig into the meaning of existence and life for each client and how to build meaningful, rich lives.